Put 2 T instant coffee in a container with 1 cup hot water, stir , put in manila tags and swish. pull a cookie sheet , lay out your tags to cover and sprinkle with cinnamon while they are wet. Put in 250 degree oven for 5 minutes. take out and put in ziploc to preserve the scent. Add a cute little christmas stamp or image, use other side for the to's and from's. Add a pice of jute or red string to tie on your pkg or card. Hope you will try it, so quick and so Christmasy!!
**************Here is a finished tag, I sanded the top to get rid of the excess cinnamon, a blogger(Topaz) was kind enough to mention these are not a good idea for children (allergies to cinnamon), this tag that I made is for adult gifts with the buttons added. My plan is to make some to give to my family on Thanksgiving.
this is basically the same "receipe" I use for dying muslin for cloth dolls...if you add vanilla extract to the coffee mix(you can use different teas also..some give a lovely rosey-brown hue)..the scent is amazing!
you always share fabulous ideas..of all the ones you have so generously shared,this is the only one I had already done. Love your blog!!i have learned so many wonderful techniques from you..thanks so much!!
I love this idea but I have to mention that you should be careful if using a tag like this for a child's present. I found out the hard way that I have a child allergic to cinnamon on his skin. He can eat it, but if he touches it, he gets a rash (from the oils most likely). It's not serious, but it is annoying for him. LOL
I am saving this idea though, because I think it can be used for similar items to decorate and not really be handled much. Thank you!
Thanks for the tags ideas too! I never thought of adding scents to tags, especially at Christmas!
all the best,
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