Saturday, February 28, 2009

Altered watercolor picture! Before and after

This is a before and after presentation of a black and white picture(beautiful) that I have transformed with watercolors. I think it is lovely, don't pay attention to the rough cut frame, only to give it dimension. Hope you like it. I printed it on cardstock and covered it with golden heavy gel medium and dried, before I started the process.With and without a frame. The top one(before and after) has 2 coats of heavy gel running one way then the other, looks like canvas and feels like it too.


Anonymous said...

Great Effect!
Will any heavy gel medium do? Barbara

bloubell said...

I just happened to have golden but I think anyone would do. It really looks and feels like canvas.

Cheryl said...


Cheryl said...

Sorry, I need to learn how to type again. Gorgeous!~!

Aimeslee Winans said...

Betty, you amaze me. Such fine detail! Gorgeous work. And I most certainly DID pay attention to the rough cut frame, as it is gorgeous too. I am willing to bet we will see it made into something even lovelier soon. winkwink