I came in my room at 5 o clock, it was still dark out and the wind was blowing, wind chimes from everywhere and I could feel the chill in the air. It is 7:30 now and the sun is up and the air coming in the crack in the window is crisp and cool. The wind is down It is going to be a beautiful day , I love fall and the smells of the burning leaves and the air is so crisp and clean you could almost drink it.
Today I am headed for UW in Madison for my 4 month catscan. As always you hope for the best and believe that you don't have any symptoms of any new illness. It is still scary and I can't help but feel a sense of forboding, every time. Like waiting for the axe to fall. This is 1 1/2 years since the cancer. So far , so good. I start each day with new eyes and try to create something beautiful. It is uplifting to me to feel pride in my work and have the ability to create. I love the groups I belong to and love the comradery with the members. Always something new to do and think about. I have trunks I am working on, all my things that I create,(if they are not swap stuff) go in the trunk for my 4 great grandaughters when they are older. I hope they will love all these things that I made. Hope you have a beautiful day whereever you are. The word for today is Create!!!
Good news!! MY catscan was good and now I don't have to go back for 6 months. On with the day!!
Best of luck at the doctors, and love the beautiful window picture, and what you wrote. I will keep on creating!Chri
Thanks Chris for the support.
Hi Elizabeth,
Since I haven't known you that long I didn't realize how serious your health issues were.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers from now on........
I am so amazed at what you get accomplished in a day, gardening, taking care of your house, decorating for Halloween etc......
making art, doing tutorials......
how do you manage everything?
that should be a tutorial....
continue to be well my friend you are quite special and an inspiration to all.
hugs, rita
Thanks Rita for your kind words and thoughts, I enjoy doing all the swaps and altered art. Always been a cook and love to decorate inside and out,kind of hyper--love to do mosaics, Love to be busy but thankyou for noticing. Hugs Betty
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