The first step is to paint a coat of acrylic onto your tag or what paper product you want to transform, A darker color becasue that is what is going to be the color of your crackles. allow to dry. Next a heavy or light coat of Elmers(depending on whether you want big crackles or fine.let dry some. Light color top coat(acrylic) and watch the magic.
The top picture is after it has dried and the large cracks appear. Cool. huh?
please move your playlist to the top so those of us listening to our own music can turn it off. i do not like having to mute my own computer to look at blog sites, especially since playlist is always so loud. this is a subject discussed by several online groups and the overwhelming majority have stated a preference for playlists on blogs being set to off so the viewer has a choice of whether or not to listen.
Hey I've got an idea, don't come here , who do you think you are, do you know the meaning of rude, you don't like the music, use your volume button.
Yeah Bloubell!
Did she come to your site to look at the tutorial you kindly blogged for us, or did she come to complain?! Use the volume button if it really bothers you. Personally, I like your music. And thank you for taking the time to give us this great tutorial.
That's it? The secret to crackles is Elmer's Glue? *bangs head on keyboard*
I've been wanting to crackle small objects & papers but thought I had to spend $$ on one of those kits from craft/home stores.
THANK YOU for saving me money!
Thanks Elaine and Topaz, hope you enjoy the tutorials. Glad you like the music too. I have used the elmers method on small wood items too.
Thank you for your generous sharing and teaching. Happy New Decade!
p.s. some folks have a difficult time appropriately communicating on-line - ignore them.
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