This is a before and after presentation of a black and white picture(beautiful) that I have transformed with watercolors. I think it is lovely, don't pay attention to the rough cut frame, only to give it dimension. Hope you like it. I printed it on cardstock and covered it with golden heavy gel medium and dried, before I started the process.With and without a frame. The top one(before and after) has 2 coats of heavy gel running one way then the other, looks like canvas and feels like it too.
Great Effect!
Will any heavy gel medium do? Barbara
I just happened to have golden but I think anyone would do. It really looks and feels like canvas.
Sorry, I need to learn how to type again. Gorgeous!~!
Betty, you amaze me. Such fine detail! Gorgeous work. And I most certainly DID pay attention to the rough cut frame, as it is gorgeous too. I am willing to bet we will see it made into something even lovelier soon. winkwink
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