When the windows are open and the smell of fresh air is in the house , it is time to cook, I made tortilla soup yesterday, roasted tomatoes today and peanut butter cookies. Used my new mixer for the cookies and WOW! did it go fast and mixed perfectly. Apple crisp next, My daughter had a family dinner last Sunday and made apple crisp, warm with ice cream , yummy!! I want to make pie, I love pie so much and you just can't buy a pie that compares with homemade.
Time to go to the apple Hut and buy fresh cider donuts, hot and crisp and honey crisp apples, and taffy apples. All the porch will be covered in squash and pumpkins. The place will be teaming with people that can't wait for that taste of that first apple of the season. I love this time of year. It will also be teaming with bees, however. there is a price to pay for everything, I guess.
On another note,I find it so strange that hundreds of people will stop by but unless I am talking about some horrific event in my life, they usually will not comment. What do you suppose that is , they want to help someone in need? I don't believe in sharing that kind of information, this to me is a happy place ,where you can listen to my ramblings about food and things that I have learned and want to share with you. My projects and gardens, my grandchildren and family. Sometimes I'm sad , like everyone , and I will tell whoever is listening that sometimes the best thing to do is to cry.
I am not saying that people who share their innermost feelings are wrong, that is just not my way. I hope this a an interesting and happy place that you can journey with me and maybe sometime drop a line or two so I know you are there.

The summer days are fading, as they must
From endless hours to short and fleeting light
The bird's once bright, immortal tune, now cries
A melancholy aura to the dusk
The children fiercely climb, and dream, and race
Before their wild and unchained days depart
And yet beneath the zeal lies a half heart
For there isn't time, there's only enough space
The sun seems low, a hazy orange sphere
Now reminiscing sweetly of the days
When endlessly before you summer lay
And as in the deep, crimson dusk you stir
Your soul joins with the birds in wistful brood
Crying for lost summer days, for childhood
Summer's End
by Fighter
The sun sets in the distance.
The water slowly washes up the shore.
The trees dance with the wind.
My footsteps print in the sand.
The water caresses my feet.
Sending shivers up my spine.
I wrap my sweater around my shoulders
As the night's coldness envelops me.
I sit in the sand's calmness.
As the colors dance in the sky.
Orange. Red. Yellow.
Summer's end.
I'm new here but like what I've seen and read.
You made tortilla soup & didn't invite me??? Pooh! (lol) I'm going to have to make some soon myself - like you, I'm loving this wonderful fall weather!
I'm guilty of not leaving comments - usually 'cause I'm so far behind in reading blogs. *sigh* I need more hours in my days ... But I'll tell you now, I always enjoy your blog! Thank you for sharing as you do.
Thanks , Muffy happy you like it here.
I want some of those apple deserts!!
Hi Betty -
Isn't this just the most wonderful season? The Autumn is my favorite time of the year. I love the show that Mother Nature puts on for us, that crispness in the air, pumpkins, apples, ghosts, goblins and Thanksgiving. All the photos you posted in your blog today bring back all those wonderful memories I associate with this special time of year. Thank you for posting them. And don't change one thing on your blog Betty, I love it just the way it is!!
Elaine Allen
Lovely post! I can't wait for Autumn and have my Fall clothes all ready to go! It is my favourite time of the year and here in New England it lasts quite a while.
Note:Honestly, leaving a comment can be quite a hassle and I don't always want to take the time.
I for one will never leave a comment when someone posts a "horrific life event". I don't know them and don't feel like I have the least right to comment on (nor do I frankly want to read about)their personal tragedies - we all have plenty of our own. I go to blogs like yours for your lovely tutorials and beautiful art. I appreciate all you do to share techniques and goodies with us - beautiful job.
Linda B.
I am happy you enjoy my little space and can use some of the things I offer. Have a great day!!!
The photo of summer's end and your talking about fall make me homesick..more "for childhood" I think. Sounds like you live a rich and full life. Will check back. Lovely blog, love the music too! Now, I think I have to go make some soup...or an apple anything!
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