This is a lovely handmade book that I bought on ebay back awhile- the inside covers are embossed beautifully and the book is bound so strong and perfect. I think it is coptic binding. The cover is from an old school book and the pages are made of a khaki colored heavy watercolor paper. I am now working on this book and will add pictures as I go. I am proud to own this book and proud to work in it. Hope you enjoy the process.
The first page"Study in black and white" Is a one page spread, image from paper whimsy. The second "Summer abroad" is 2 page spread and utilizes images and papers from Greenpaper, click on the logo on the top left to go and check this out.The top page is"Soiled Dove" from the can can collection-by fish eyes. Lots of free images on greenpapers also.
Hi Betty. What a lovely book! Thank you for visiting my site. I also love Love Actually!! There are so many to love out there...my list goes on and on. You have a great blog here. I'm going to browse around and have some fun while I'm here. Hope you'll come over and visit me again soon.
Smiles, Carol
Thanks for the comment on the blog, I love doing it, but worried sometimes about it crashing. Are you a fan of Anne( with an E) of Green Gables? I'd almost bet on that. Hugs Betty
Great postt thankyou
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